Fredrick Hicks-Political Strategist & Commentator
Top Political Strategist*Media Commentator*
Top 25 Extraordinary Atlantan*Top 40 Under 40
Fredrick Hicks is the Founder and President of the Hicks Evaluation Group (HEG), a consulting firm that specializes in candidate and issue campaigns, consulting and public affairs. He is widely regarded as one of the leading political strategists in the country. The firm has provided campaign management and consulting services to nearly 300 campaigns across the country since its creation in 2006. Hicks is a frequent commentator on national and international news, including appearances on CNN, MSNBC, Vox, in the New York Times, Reuters TV and serving as a Political Contributor to TRT World and the Atlanta NPR affiliate.
He has been cited in Variety, Vox, Politico, the Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, Foxnews.com, Nbcnews.com, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and more. In 2015 he was named to the prestigious Top 40 Under 40 and in 2019 was named Top Political Strategist in Georgia as well as “Top 25 Extraordinary Atlantans” and is a member of the Leadership Georgia Class of 2022. Fred is a CNN.com contributor. He is an annual trainer for GABWA, the New Leaders Council and other organizations.
In addition to his career, Fredrick dedicates his time in service to several organizations. He is a Trustee of the Clayton State University Foundation and serves as Chair of the Clayton State College of Arts & Sciences Advisory Board; oversees the Fredrick Hicks Endowment at Clayton State; advises organizations such as the ACLU of Georgia and the Urban League.